Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 47 : Take Me For What I Am

Hello 365 Project, Blogger, and whoever is reading this,

Forgive me for making this post all about me, but I'm in the mood to be a bit selfish. Indulge me for this moment and let me share something with you. I claim to be a poet as well as a photographer. Yet lately the words have burned in my head and I haven't figured out why they are stuck. I can feel words caught in my hands, aching to be written, but the minute the pencil touches the paper I become lost. I don't know who I am anymore.

When I write poetry the world stops. It gets hard to breathe but I can't stop trying because as fearful as I am in that moment, I love it because my body feels so good in that struggle.

I am guilty of doubting myself. Maybe this is why I struggle so much. I don't believe in myself. It is one thing to know you are capable of accomplishing the world, but it is another actually believing you are capable of such a feat. I do not know how I am going to do this. Any of it.

"Take me for what I am. Who I was meant to be. And if you give a damn, take me, baby, or leave me."
- Take Me Or Leave Me from the musical "Rent"

ISO 200
Canon Rebel XTi


  1. You are a wonderful being. Doubt is natural, but hope eternal.

  2. been there... but the mysterious is the most beautiful thing of all. The 'not' knowing being ok, staying positive and not letting the world drag you down. you have all the tools to be happy, especially knowing that you are surrounded by people who love you! :D
