Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 96 : Painting Photographs

For about 2 years at Tech I decided I was going to be an art minor. I got halfway through the program and then called it quits. Taking anymore classes, I thought, would be focusing on harnessing and perfecting my skill. Truthfully, I did not want to be a painter or a sketch artist or an designer or anything really in the art department. I just loved art.

One project we had to do in my very first art class, Design I, was take a photograph from a magazine or one you took yourself, posterize it to 8 levels and paint it. I took a photo of my boyfriend's sunglasses on his face while we were driving from Austin to Lubbock. In the reflection you can see the entire road. I chose the color blue, and began to measure, grid, sketch and then paint. I loved how it turned out. He didn't. He liked the color red better.

Anyway, long story short, this lanky band nerd Facebook stalked my art and fell in love with the idea and asked me to paint him a picture just like that. We picked a photo, set a price and I spent my summer painting a 36"x48" canvas for him. This was the result. I used a scarlet red, posterized the image 8 levels but combined the 7th and 8th level in the painting to create a deeper contrast. I loved how it turned out. So did he.

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