Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 183 : Blue Pinhole

So, I've been playing around with my new Pinhole DSLR that I made by drilling a hole in my camera's body cap and placing a sheet of paper with a needle hole over the drilled hole. It's quite fun - frustrating because it's all trial and error, but I think that I finally figured it out and came out with something I really like. This is my first attempt at self portrait using pinhole. To get the blue effect, I used a blue post-it note instead of a black piece of paper with a needle-hole. As a result, there is a blue cast to the image that I brought out a bit in photoshop. I'm going to try it out with the other color Post-It notes I have (green, purple, red, orange, pink). Can't wait!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 182 : Be...

I was having a little bit of fun with my paint this evening. If you can guess what this means, you get tons of brownie points from me. :)

Day 181 : Looking For Bugs

Chillin on Tech Campus while I waited for my Senior to arrive! Checking exposure I had to find a willing model. :) These birds are EVERYWHERE!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 180: Getting Beautiful

Lately I've started a Paint Series where I allow my models to paint themselves with tempra and/or acrylic paint. I give them a lot of freedom and then I photograph them. One of my favorite parts of each paint session is watching my models get ready and paint themselves up. This is where I get my ideas on how to photograph them. I approach each session with an open and ready mind - allowing my ideas to come from the model, and less from preconceived researched ideas. Here, Allison gets ready for her paint session inspired from her Japanese heritage. I think she is just beautiful!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 179 : Collection de Sophistication

Spring Cleaning my pantries and came across all the bottles of wine I have saved. Don't ask me why I saved them. This sort of thing just happens every once in a while with random things and me. In total, I have 23 (some are duplicates) though, there are a few bottles I do plan on saving. Meeker Merlot for one. The hand print bottle is too cool to toss!